Ex Libris Vast Grimm A directory of content, tools, and resources

Creature Curation

Brian was introduced to basic D&D’s red box when he was in 4th grade by a friend’s older sibling. He was hooked right away and has been rolling funny-shaped dice and creating fantastical worlds ever since. Brian realized that he could avoid growing up by making items that he and other roleplayers would love.

The creative force behind Vast Grimm™, World of Revilo™, RPG Squeeze™, PolyDice Potions, Cardography™ and RPG Pins & Patches™. Making content for TTRPGs!

Brian Colin


Blood Altared

Concept: Strap in for a neon-drenched interstellar rescue mission! We're plunging into the bowels of the universe to free the lead quantum scientist from the clutches of an elite sect of Devout freaks dead set on sacrificing her to THEY. Get ready to rock the Fatumite colony on K2-116B, where blood-soaked maps guide us through the Mausoleum of THEY and the twisted caverns lurking beneath. Arm up with weapons so rad they'd make your würms stand on end! With the universe hanging by a thread, dive into this punked-out, adrenaline-fueled cosmic mosh pit – it's time to kick serious Devout ass!
Content: Classes, NPCs, Tributes, Locations, Organizations
Writing: Brian Colin
Art/design: Brian Colin
Core Book

Container 1: Inner Turmoil

Concept: What Is Know - A massive container, with unusual markings, has been vomited from the Bitter Void. The vessel’s origins are not of this ‘verse & it is sending distress signals.
 Writing: Brian Colin
 Art/design: Brian Colin

Container 2: Twist Visions

Concept: What is know - Another massive container with alien markings has spewed from the Bitter Void.  Distress signals hail anyone in the near vicinity, requesting medical assistance.
Writing: Brian Colin
 Art/design: Brian Colin

Death Aboard the Conundrum

Concept: What is known - The chatter on the Netwürk has been frantically cryptic, but one thing is certain: an Augment Destabilizer, a piece that is though to be needed for the Gate of Infinite Stars , is believed to on The Conundrum.  Luckily, you were in near space to the small scientific exploration ship and have connected to its docking bay.  Locate the relic before anyone else and you could fetch a king's ransom in cred sticks, or maybe even secure you and your Legion a way out of this 'verse.
Content: An introductory adventure for Vast Grimm
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin, Ross Brandt & Allen Panakal
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book

Derelict Cruiser Generator

Concept: Coming across an abandoned vessel in the vast depths of space is a common occurrence. Grab a d4, 5d6, and 2d8 to randomly generate this starship. The face that is rolled will determine the details.
Content: Eight tables for generating a derelict cruiser.
Writing: Creature Curation
Art/design: Creature Curation

I Want Your Skull

Concept: What is known - A colonist group on the outskirts of the Belt of Despair flashed a distress signal across the comm screen. Local Mayor Barnes sobs and begs for help finding two young children who have gone missing.  They are the most recent in a rash of disappearances over the past nine months.
Content: I Want Your Skulls is an introductory hex crawl adventure to Vast Grimm.
This mini adventure includes:
  • Vast Grimm Quick Rules
  • Adventure
  • Maps
  • Random Tables
  • 3 NEW Creatures
  • Major NPC  
Writing: Brian Colin and Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin, David LaRocca, and Ross Brandt

Into the Asteroid

Concept: What is known - The Network has been flooded by a transmission captured on a satellite just outside of the Hellmuth: a massive asteroid pulled by 3 large winged creatures soars from inside the dark abyss, moving at a speed similar to a yachthole.
Into the Asteroid is a full adventure that can bring characters from Crawling Death Below the Dying Forest into the Vast Grimm universe or bring a Legion from the Vast Grimm universe into the Mörk Borg setting!

What it contains:
  • Adventure Hooks
  • Rumors
  • 15 Rooms
  • New Alien Species
  • Creatures
  • New Class
  • And More!  
Writing: Brian Colin
Art/design: Brian Colin

Into The Wurmhole

Concept: What is known- A hailing beacon has lit up your sensors sending out an urgent distress call from a lone asteroid.  It seems ton be emanating from inside a cave of this pock-riddles rock.
 Content: Into the Würmhole was the first Vast Grimm 2021 Free RPG adventure event.
This mini adventure includes:
  • Vast Grimm Quick Rules
  • 4 pre-generated characters
  • Adventure
  • Map
  • Random Tables
  • 2 NEW Creatures
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin, David LaRocca, & Allen Panakal

Roach Coach – Vast Grimm Spoiled Spoils Jam

Concept: Cockroach Karl is headed to your part of the 'verse with his spacetruck filled with whatever he could scavenge. Are you hungry enough to eat what he's selling? Perhaps you'll try his daily special.
Content: Roach Coach highlights an NPC and the things you might find on his traveling foodtruckship in the Vast Grimm universe. 
  • Stats for Cockroach Karl
  • d20 table for What's On the Ship
  • d12 table for Side Effects of Consumption
  • d4 table for Karl's Daily Specials 
Writing: Creature Curation
Art/design: Creature Curation

Space Cruisers

Concept: Buckle up! Fast and brutal starship combat rules are here! Once you’re done blasting your way through some Space Raiders, go on over to their starship to salvage some mods like a Ram Saw or a Slam Shocker to really beef up your boat. Whether you steal your mods or want to pay for them on the up & up, there are tons of ways to make your starship your own. Hell, we’ll even tell you a few places you might go when you need a repair, or to score what you’re Legion is looking for.
  • Starship Creation
  • Modding the Ship
  • Locations
  • Tables, tables, tables 
Content: NPCs, Locations, 
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin
Usability: Core Book

Space Raiders

Concept: If you ever thought pirates were a nasty lot, prepare to be out-grossed and out-weirded by galaxy-fairing pirates known as Space Raiders! New factions are popping up every day, vying for quadrant control. You never know whose flag will be flown crossing the ‘verse. And now YOUR LEGION has been forced to help find the remains of Captain Sully Bloodbeard, the once-dreaded leader of the Revenants. Try to fly under the radar of all the raider factions and avoid getting a bounty on your heads.
  • Formidable Faction
  • Raiders gonna Raid
  • Explore the Graveyard
  • Space Raider’s Starship Modifications
  • Tables, tables, tables
Content: Classes, NPCs, Tributes, Creatures, Organization
Writing: Brian Colin
Art/design: Brian Colin 
Usability: Core Book

Vast Grimm Core Book

Concept: On the Pages
  • A brief history – How The Six set out on a pilgrimage to the Primordial Mausoleum of THEY, in the year zer0. These truly devout disciples unleashed a plague of parasitic würms when they unsealed the ancient tomb. It has been 663 years since that day, those who the würms infected have become known as The Grimm. 
  • Locations across the ‘verse – A look at some of the places your Legion might explore while playing.
  • The Endings – Fatuma’s prophecies of how the universe will demise with rules on how these Torments will occur in gameplay.
  • 8 Fast & Easy Steps to Character Creation – Rolling dice to determine everything about your character sure makes it feel like they will not live long. This includes 8 character classes like the MAnchiNe, Emo|Bot, and The Harvester. It also has charts for Irritating Idiosyncrasies, Misspent Youth, and Battle Scars to really give your character that extra level of filth. 
  • Tributes – 20 pieces of technomagic that when used improperly can implode causing Cataclysmic Condemnations. 
  • Pharmaceuticals – Because those who can’t physically escape often find other means.
  • Würms – 6 different würms to get infected by, wreaking havoc on your body and mind. Each includes a Parasitic Pain and Parasitic Pleasure chart to roll randomly on each day until you either die or the würm tires of your meat suit.
  • Optional Rules – For your Legion’s background, random starting ships, and devastating Cataclysmic Condemnations. 
  • Monstrous Abominations – Nasty things to challenge your Legion’s fortitude.
  • Quick Rules – All you need to dive in and start playing. 
  • GM Charts – Tables for Adventure Sparks, Random Encounters, Abandoned Ships, Cosmic Treasures, Stealing from the Dead, and more.
  • An Introductory Adventure – Death Aboard the Conundrum, a broken-down science ship is believed to have a piece needed to build The Gate of Infinite Stars. This relic could fetch a king’s ransom in cred sticks, or maybe even secure you and your Legion a way out of this ‘verse. It includes random charts so the adventure can be replayed numerous times.
Content: Classes, NPCs, Tributes, Creatures, Locations, Organizations
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Ross Brandt, Brian Colin, David LaRocca, Allen Panakal, Carey Drake, Latt Vines, & Russ Williams.
Usability: Core book

Categories: Vast Grimm Core Classes, Vast Grimm Core NPCs, Vast Grimm Core Tributes, Vast Grimm Core Creatures, Vast Grimm Core Locations, Vast Grimm Core Organizations

Volatile Verse #1

6 contributors
Concept: This 32 page + cover Zine is packed full of adventures all across the Volatile 'Verse! This issue contains:
  • Deep Within the Gibbering Dark
  • Judgement of the Six
  • Judas 
  • With new Tributes and a d12 Steal from the Dead charts 
Content: NPCs, Tributes, Creatures, Locations
Writing: Bill Barnett, Nerdarchy, Grady Wang, Theo Thourson, Brian Colin, and Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brain Colin

Volatile Verse #2

6 contributors
Concept: This 32 page + cover Zine is packed full of adventures all across the Volatile 'Verse! This issue contains:
  • The Remains of Colony Delta by Vic Prano
  • The Omega Protocol by Janet Forbes & Dimitris Romeo
  • Hostility Engram by Dayv Cole & David Gallaher
  • With new Random Encounter & Scavenging for food charts, as well as a Traveling Filling Station 
Writing: Vic Prano, Janet Forbes & Dimitris Romeo, Dayv Cole & David Gallaher, Brian Colin, and Ross Brandt
 Art/design: Brian Colin and David LaRocca
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