Ex Libris Vast Grimm A directory of content, tools, and resources

Vast Grimm Core Creatures

Astro Zombies

Concept: Muttering growls, these hungry unliving shells are no more The Grimm than you or I.  Somehow their instincts run deep, leaving some form of muscle memory.
Astro Zombies will do their best to gnaw at you with their teeth, claw at you with their hands and then feast on your brains. They'll do anything to feed their hunger.
Content: Creature 
Writing: Brian Collin & Ross Brandt 
Art/design: Brian Colin
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book

Big Würm

Concept: Far larger than any würm that could crawl around inside your puny body, this thing has done its share of eating.  Its six eyes look hungry as neon green saliva pools in its teeth-filled maw.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book


Concept: These bionically-fused cephalopods are infamous across the 'verse for being hellbent on destruction.  Little is actually know about this species or what motivates their raging devastation.

They enjoy wrapping their tentacles around starships and chomping on them with their beaks.  There have even been rumors floating around on the Netwürk of some getting as large as a small moon.

Little is known about these nasty beasts.  Beware their ferociousness.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book

Labor Rage Bot

Concept: This synthetic beast is every former civilized citizen's nightmare.  Previously servant bots, these bots almost developed into sentient beings, but something went wrong.  Now they thirst for bloody and total revenge of the organic world.

The raging labor bots are everywhere.  Humanity became so reliant on them, their tech was fused into every aspect of life.  That's what makes them so dangerous.  That and their unwavering hatred toward organics.  LBs come in all shapes and sizes.  Humanoid, Insectoid, Coffee Maker.  Anything is possible.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brain Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Ross Brandt
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book

Military War Rage Bot

Concept: This synthetic beast is every former civilized citizen's nightmare.  Previously servant bots, these bots almost developed into sentient beings, but something went wrong.  Now they thirst for bloody and total revenge of the organic world.

The Military War Bot was built to some serious friggin' PAIN.  At the core of their damaged programming is an utterly mechanical, insatiable need to destroy.  The switch has been flipped and the fuse has shorted, now all organics are the enemy.  If you're a meatbag, you better watch your ass!
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Ross Brandt
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book

Parasite Spur

Concept: Small, tenacious sandspur-like creatures that carry and spread the parasite by clinging to clothing, fur and other porous surfaces.  Parasite Spurs are silent and often blend in with the environment.  Legionnaires may pick them up unwittingly and carry them around for days before they explode on their on.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Ross Brandt
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book

Personal Servant Rage Bot

Concept: This synthetic beast is every former civilized citizen's nightmare.  Previously servant bots, these bots almost developed into sentient beings, but something went wrong.  Now they thirst for bloody and total revenge of the organic world.

Personal Assistant, Cooks, Escorts, and Secretarial bots, the PS bot can be found everywhere.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Ross Brandt
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book


Concept: Salazarites are known throughout the 'verse as Devilmoon Crickets, partially because of their jumping and partially because of the hell they unleash on their prey.  They have bone shattering mandibles, skin piercing teeth and a psionic connection with their kind.

The Salazarites are known to attach themselves to the hull of a starship.  As they leave the atmosphere, their bodies freeze.  The insectoids later thaw, coming back alive when returning to a warmer environment.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book


Concept: Feeding on electricity, lasers and other pulse-infused charges, this creeping ooze-like sludge grows larger the more it consumes.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Carey Drake
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book

The Grimm

Concept: The Grimm will inhabit any living vessel they can.  You may find yourself up against someone from your old Legion or a mutated polar bear.

Easily distinguishable once fully overtaken by The Grimm.  Their eyes turn a bioluminescent blue with veins of electric pink. This color radiates from their eye sockets as it seeps under their skin until the flesh cracks.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: David LaRocca
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book

Void Revenant

Concept: Merciless undead, Void Revenants are what's left of the bodies and souls of creatures murdered by being vented out of the airlocks.  Void Revenants always seek to revenge themselves on those who murdered them.  They do so by luring ships to their location with fake distress calls, boarding the vessel and murdering one of the crew.  They then inhabit the new body.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: David LaRocca
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book

Wör Hound

Concept: The insatiable hunger of these savage, flesh ripping, bone-shattering beast echoes out of a vicious, maddening howl reverberating through its disease-ridden maw.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book
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