Concept: Salazarites are known throughout the 'verse as Devilmoon Crickets, partially because of their jumping and partially because of the hell they unleash on their prey. They have bone shattering mandibles, skin piercing teeth and a psionic connection with their kind.
The Salazarites are known to attach themselves to the hull of a starship. As they leave the atmosphere, their bodies freeze. The insectoids later thaw, coming back alive when returning to a warmer environment.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book
The Salazarites are known to attach themselves to the hull of a starship. As they leave the atmosphere, their bodies freeze. The insectoids later thaw, coming back alive when returning to a warmer environment.
Content: Creature
Writing: Brian Colin & Ross Brandt
Art/design: Brian Colin
Source: Vast Grimm Core Book