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Space Raiders

Concept: If you ever thought pirates were a nasty lot, prepare to be out-grossed and out-weirded by galaxy-fairing pirates known as Space Raiders! New factions are popping up every day, vying for quadrant control. You never know whose flag will be flown crossing the ‘verse. And now YOUR LEGION has been forced to help find the remains of Captain Sully Bloodbeard, the once-dreaded leader of the Revenants. Try to fly under the radar of all the raider factions and avoid getting a bounty on your heads.
  • Formidable Faction
  • Raiders gonna Raid
  • Explore the Graveyard
  • Space Raider’s Starship Modifications
  • Tables, tables, tables
Content: Classes, NPCs, Tributes, Creatures, Organization
Writing: Brian Colin
Art/design: Brian Colin 
Usability: Core Book