Ex Libris Vast Grimm A directory of content, tools, and resources

Vast Grimm Hordes Classes

The Vast Grimm Horde is content created by others for use with the setting.

Without their openness to people making hacks to their system, what you see as Vast Grimm would not be here today. In the spirit of that creative inspiration, you can make things for Vast Grimm publishing it either for free or sale with no percentage going to Infinite Black or Creature Curation as a Vast Grimm Horde product.

Dead Star Prophet

Concept: You have watched it happen. In the eye of your dreams, you have seen the stars die one after the other. You have felt what remains of the universe grow colder, and you have experienced the wonder that cold brings.
Content: The Dead Star Prophet is a new class for Vast Grimm. Tell the universe. Let them know how awful hope is.
Writing: Nate Southard
Art/design: Nate Southard

Extant Leftovers

Concept: Part mystery meat, part back up organs, and a few random mechanical pits for good measure.  YOU are bio waste molded multiple times over until reaching sentience.
Content: Class for Vast Grimm
Writing: Luis “Gaffy” Lopez
Art/design: Luis “Gaffy” Lopez

Linguistic Omniphage

Concept: The treatment left you the perfect tool for exploration, a tongue that can digest nearly anything before it even hits your belly. But it always comes with a price, or in this case, a Hunger.
Content: Tread the Vast Grimmness of space as a Linguistic Omniphage with this class for Vast Grimm or other Mork Borg compatible systems.
Writing: Duncan Hall
Art/design: Duncan Hall

M.E.L. - Character Class

Concept: Humans found that it was difficult to pass on their genes but still had an urge to do so. That's when a couple of bright minds develloped the Mechanical Embryo Lifesupport (MEL). These Automatons' purpose is to be a protective shell from the corruption of The Grimm and be a nutrient diffusor for the growing life put into them.
Content: You are a Mechanical Embryo Life-support automaton created to give new life the best chance at an uncorrupted start.
Writing: Bazz
Art/design: Bazz

Opportunistic Capitalist

Concept: When you get right down to it, tragedy is just another way to spell opportunity. The entire universe is falling apart. Does earning a few credits off that really make you such a bad guy?
Content: The Opportunistic Capitalist is a new playable class for Vast Grimm. Be "that guy." Soak in the disdain of your inferiors.
Writing: Nate Southard
Art/design: Nate Southard

Reluctant Slayer - Vast Grimm Character Class

Concept: Something evil infected your hand, taking control of it, spreading towards your body. You did what you had to. You cut it off. It is not that bad though. You got an upgrade. Now you slay evil, wherever it finds you. And it always seems to find you!
Content: A playable class for Vast Grimm
Writing: HungryHugo
Art/design: HungryHugo

Risen Valkrye A Vast Grimm Class

Concept: You've gone through the terrifying ordeal of being infested with würms, but you overcame, you survived. Now the universe has nothing left to throw at you. The galaxy spirals towards ending, terrified of being trapped with the THEY.

But you know the truth. You are not trapped with THEY. THEY are trapped in here with you.
Content: An optional class for Vast Grimm
Writing: John Baltisberger
Art/design: John Baltisberger

THE AFFLICTED ASTRONAUT - A Vast Grimm Character Class

Concept: You stared too long at what you couldn’t comprehend. IT looked back at you. Reached out and touched your being. You felt your organs melt and your skin dissolve, an eternity of agony in a few short seconds. Despite this, you are alive, but you are changed.

Your spacesuit is part of you now, its polymers and synthetics merged with your flesh. Your organs are no more – but whatever has replaced them is keeping you alive. For now. 
Content: Third-Party Character Class for Vast Grimm
Writing: Restaramus
Art/design: Restaramus

The Shameless Collector

Concept: "You have always been obsessed with objects from before Earth's destruction. Your intense reverence for such objects draws in small traces of neoromantic energy that imparts special properties onto them."
Content:  A new 3rd party class
Writing: Charles Longstaff
Art/design: None- Directly copied from the Vast Grimm Discord 

Vast Grimm Gun Bunny Class

Concept: The Gun Bunny loves all guns, projectiles, or energy based, pistols or rifles, as long as it goes boom.  They love shooting & crafting modifications to the gun.  Gun fighters and crafters.
Content: 2024 VG Jam Submission: a new class for Vast Grimm ttrpg.
Writing: Dan Frederick
Art/design: Dan Frederick
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